The intensity of lighting emitted by the monitor, giving the effect of eyewear because the flashing blue light of the screen. A preliminary study by which the respondents spend 3-4 hours a day without resting their eyes. As many as 8 people (80%) of them feel fatigue in eyes like dry eyes and are sometimes somewhat myopic after a game. This study aims to analyze the relationship between lighting intensity and eye fatigue on gamers at Infinity Game Malang City. The research design was an analytic and cross sectional survey. The research sample amounted to 96 people who were taken using the Lemeshow formula from an unknown population with a simple random sampling technique. The instrument used a questionnaire, observation sheet, lux meter and meter. Data analysis using Chi-square test. The results of the research on general lighting showed that 11 points did not meet the lighting requirements (91,7%), the majority did not experience eye fatigue (81,2%), the majority were aged 21-30 years (54,2%), local lighting obtained results 59 tables did not meet the requirements (61,5%), the majority of respondents' visibility was 50 cm (60,4%), the majority of them played games for 2 hours (96,9%). The results of statistical tests showed that there was a relationship between lighting intensity and eye fatigue (p=0,029<0,05), there was a relationship between age and eye fatigue (p=0.042<0.05), there was no relationship between visibility and eye fatigue (p=0,258 >0,05) and there is no relationship between playing time and eye fatigue (p=1,000>0,05). It is expected that the cafe manager will increase the light intensity of the room with standard lamps, maintain visibility and reduce the frequency of playing to maintain eye health.
Keywords: Lighting Intensity; Eye Fatigue; Infinity Games
Intensitas pencahayaan yang dipancarkan oleh monitor dapat memberikan dampak pada kelelahan mata pemain game playstationkarena pancaran sinar biru dari layar monitor. Studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan, diperoleh bahwa responden menghabiskan waktu 3-4 jam sekali main dalam sehari tanpa mengistirahatkan mata. Sebanyak 8 orang (80%) diantaranya merasakan kelelahan mata seperti mata kering dan terkadang agak rabun setelah main game. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis hubungan intensitas pencahayaan dengan kelelahan mata pada gamer di Infinity Game Kota Malang. Desain penelitian adalah survei analitik dan cross sectional. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 96 orang yang diambil menggunakan rumus Lemeshow dari populasi yang tidak diketahui dengan teknik sampling yaitu simple random sampling. Instrumen menggunakan kuesioner yang diadopsi, lembar observasi, luxmeter dan meteran. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat dan analisis bivariat dengan uji Chi-square. Hasil penelitian pada pencahayaan umum diperoleh hasil bahwa 11 titik tidak memenuhi syarat pencahayaan (91,7%), mayoritas tidak mengalami kelelahan mata (81,2%), mayoritas berusia 21-30 tahun (54,2%), pencahayaan setempat diperoleh hasil 59 meja tidak memenuhi syarat (61,5%), mayoritas jarak pandang responden ≤50 cm (60,4%), mayoritas lama bermain game ≥2 jam (96,9%). Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan terdapat hubungan intensitas pencahayaan dengan kelelahan mata (p=0,029), terdapat hubungan usia dengan kelelahan mata (p=0,042), tidak terdapat hubungan antara jarak pandang dengan kelelahan mata (p=0,258) dan tidak terdapat hubungan lama bermain dengan kelelahan mata (p=1,000). Diharapkan pengelola warnet meningkatkan intensitas cahaya ruangan dengan lampu standar, menjaga jarak pandang dan mengurangi frekuensi bermain untuk menjaga kesehatan mata.
Kata Kunci: Intensitas Pencahayaan; Kelelahan Mata; Infinity Game
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